Archive for alliterate

Are you literate? or illiterate? or ALLITERATE?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 22, 2010 by arehegold

The following definitions are Deron originals… bear with me:

Literacy – having the capacity of being able to read, understand, and comprehend manuscript.

Illiteracy – not being able to read, understand, and comprehend manuscript. (note you must be able to do all three to be considered fully literate)

Alliteracy -having the capacity of being able to read, understand, and comprehend manuscript but choosing not to.


After seeing my definitions of literacy, illiteracy, and alliteracy, which one are you?

If you read newspapers and books… If you go to plays and enjoy fine arts… if you enjoy educating yourself outside of the classroom, then you my friend are literate.

If you have trouble understanding pieces you read… If you have a hard time comprehending complex ideas when presented… if you lack as a critical thinker or just can’t read, unfortunately, you are illiterate.

If you watch CNN for more than 90% of your news…

If you prefer blockbuster movies/reality shows over theatrical works with a little more depth for entertainment…

If you only read books in class…

You are alliterate.

It’s fine… you can fix it… It doesn’t have to be permanent.

It can be treated with reading.
